Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Teddy Talk

Whew, Ted talk is over. Praise the lawd. Lord. Whatever you may choose to call your deity, praise it.So, I think that Max and I had a great presentation. Our song performance was alright. We were both definitely nervous, and the setup took a pretty long time. However, the actual presentation was great. We weren't super formal and scripted, we were more genuine and closer to the audience. We talked to the people, not at them. This makes a connection with the listeners, in the true TED talk spirit. We were definitely ambitious, maybe a bit too ambitious, but that was good. It's always good to have fighting spirit (row row). Our main idea, although a little played out, was refreshed by our application, and hopefully given new life. We spoke in pretty accessible terms, which is easy to do when talking about music, considering the almost completely alternate language. We definitely gave a lot of examples, stories, and introspection into our experiences, which was good. I definitely got some laughs, which is good. Not much crying though. We didn't sell from the stage, at all. Honestly, Max and I hardly used our notecards, which I feel makes it more heart t heart, because we're speaking what we really want to say, instead of overly formal scripted speeches. We went a little over on time, but the presentation would be bad without the time we took. I rehearsed my talk in front of a trusted friend, because I was presenting with said friend. Overall, I'd give us a 93% to 95%. Good job, me. And you too Max. Good on you.

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