Monday, April 1, 2013

Congratulations, Shinji

So. It's finally over. All recording is finished, all the work done. CDs burned, exquisite album art drawn, CD cases prepped. TED talk rehearsed, notecards prepared, Powerpoint polished. It feels so... weird. For the past seven weeks, I put in well over 40 hours of work into this project, not counting Max's time spent too. Speaking of Max, I spent an average of 10 hours a day with him, through school and working on the project after school. I lost sleep, as I'm doing now, I hit things and felt happy. The whole experience has been very enriching to me, and I've learned so much. My library of new knowledge ranges from musical to practical to life lessons. I learned how to drum so others can play along, I learned how to play guitar and bass, I learned how to nudge a track in reaper so as to synchronize a song. I learned how to vent frustration without breaking lamps or bones, I learned what it's like to put hard work into something I really care about. That's the thing about this project - whilst I give effort to other school assignments, this is the one I truly gave a damn about. I enjoyed what I was doing, I knew it would help me, and I wanted it to be as good as I could make it. Thus, I worked as hard as I've ever worked on a project ever before, let alone any school assignment. Hopefully, I will reap the rewards I have sewn, with my two hands, and feet, and all of my body and mind.
Thanks for reading, and goodnight.

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