Monday, March 11, 2013

Woooo demos and lyrics

Here we have a demo of one of our songs, called (at the moment) "Owen's Really Cool Song in 5/4".

Things are still going well. Our songwriting capabilities are very annoying, in that they prevent me from having a very interesting blog. Actually, there is one problem. We keep coming up with new, good ideas. This is, believe it or not, a problem, solely for the fact that it'll distract us from recording the 8 songs we've got. We'll try to incorporate these new songs and ideas, which will spread us too thin, and when it comes time to finalize recording, we'll have 14 half-finished songs, and that's not an album, that's an EP. On the good side of news, I'm actually pretty good at bass, and getting better. It looks like I'm gonna be playing the majority of bass on this album. Overall, this is a really good opportunity to round myself out as a musician, and I've been taking advantage of said opportunity. I've been reading a biography of Keith Moon, (ex)-drummer of the Who, and it delves into his style (which consists of beating the living crap out of the drums), and I've been trying to incorporate said style into my drumming by lifting weights and such, which allows me to absolutely murder my poor drums. I enjoy it, thoroughly. I'm getting better at guitar, because I've learned a major scale pattern and have been running through it whenever I put my hands on a guitar. My fingers are getting quicker and more calloused, and I can play without looking at the guitar now. Pretty cool.
To fill some space, I'll include a lyrics sample.

Maybe I’ll end up a better person
Or maybe I’ll lose it all
Maybe I’ll be changed forever
Or maybe the bitterness will stay

And I threw my life away
Just to get a taste
And I’ll throw my life away
Just to get you back

In a strip-mined ocean
Lost among the waves
There’s nothing there, anymore
There’s nothing there, anyway

And I threw my life away
Just to feel this way
And I’ll throw my life away
To feel this way again

Burning voices, bright with passion
Burning my shell with hazy pain
I’ll never make this mistake again
Never, until the beast is slain

And I threw my life away
Just to fade
And I’ll throw my life away
Just to remain

You just won’t leave this place
Your claws are dug in
My mind is flooded
False words plugged in

And my life’s been thrown away
By someone who wanted to fade
And my life will be thrown away
By the fader who used to be me

1 comment:

  1. Needs more flying purple wolfs in the lyrics department.

    Seriously though, if you have trouble writing all of those songs,you could try to do less songs: it's better to have 5 good songs than 8 filler songs. In addition, how are you guys going to record your songs? Are you going to do it using a DAW? Are you guys going to try to rent studio time or something like that?
