Thursday, February 21, 2013


Well. Blog time. I remember having tried to start a blog at one point around 7th grade... that one went over like a lead balloon. Alas, here I am, with the motivation of an interesting project and the inescapable iron-fist ruling style of grades and whatnot. Well, the project seems to be getting off to a good start. Max and I have come together already, and we've got ideas aplenty. I'm glad I got an opportunity to get Max off his butt and begin working on this band. I've been trying for more than a year, and this is a golden opportunity. On the topic of the band, we need a band name. I've been suggesting some pretty good ( in my opinion ) names, such as "Spaaaaace" pronounced with all the a's, "Genesis Tull", and some other... more interesting things. We're still discussing, although I've got my money on Lord Red. Band names aside, we have some good ideas floating about, drum solos and 5/4 and whatnot. I've got some really good reading material lined up, a book about how to adopt the styles of famous drummers like Keith Moon and John Bonham into your own. I'm really looking forward to a project, for once.
 Honestly, I did not have a single problem thinking of what to do. As soon as McPerlman said "project on something you're passionate about", I knew it would be music. After 2 minutes of thinking, it was either to learn a difficult song on drums, or record an EP or album. However, it was only later that I considered getting Max in on it. Conveniently, as soon as I asked him, he agreed. That's how this thing got started up.
So far, I've got 3 or four songs that are halfway done, and I don't know where Max is at right now. I've been staying up longer than I'd care to admit writing songs, and I feel like I should probably stop it. I've got a few weeks to do this, I'll be fine.
Alright... measurable goals. I guess the results of this project will be pretty tangible. It's putting out an 8 song album, so it can be summed up by holding a disc in our hands containing 8 songs recorded by us. There are also some intangible things, like knowing how to use recording soft & hardware, knowing songs all the way through in order to record, and other things. And then there's the building character. Does that mean that I'm in a book, and my character gets developed, or what? Never did understand that. Anyway, This project should be pretty interesting. I get to listen to music during class, and claim that I'm studying influences. On the other hand, It'll be difficult to work on the project in class without bringing a guitar or something in. All in all, I think I'm gonna have a damn good time with this.